Keyvan Shovir

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Iran
Keyvan Shovir is an Iranian-American multidisciplinary artist and muralist born in Iran and currently based in California. He is one of the pioneers of Iranian street art in Tehran, focusing on and addressing social issues and political messages through Persian calligraphy and poetry. Through sculptural sound installations, murals, and paintings, he explores the poetic experience of the current political situation within narration and storytelling from the past and its juxtaposition with the present. All the narrations are rooted in his Iranian heritage through literature, history, Persian myth, language, and today’s pop culture. 
Shovir received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to support his project “Messenger,” which is a sculptural installation created from skateboard decks, laser cut acrylic sheets, and chain. This piece is telling a story of an era in the late 90’s through 2009.
Visit his website here to learn more about his work.
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Keyvan Shovir

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Iran

Keyvan Shovir

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Iran
Keyvan Shovir is an Iranian-American multidisciplinary artist and muralist born in Iran and currently based in California. He is one of the pioneers of Iranian street art in Tehran, focusing on and addressing social issues and political messages through Persian calligraphy and poetry. Through sculptural sound installations, murals, and paintings, he explores the poetic experience of the current political situation within narration and storytelling from the past and its juxtaposition with the present. All the narrations are rooted in his Iranian heritage through literature, history, Persian myth, language, and today’s pop culture. 
Shovir received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to support his project “Messenger,” which is a sculptural installation created from skateboard decks, laser cut acrylic sheets, and chain. This piece is telling a story of an era in the late 90’s through 2009.
Visit his website here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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