
Cultures of Resistance Awardee —Turkey
Postane is a place that aims to host social, environmental and urban impact-oriented studies and joint cultural productions. The historical building, known as the British Post Office in Galata, was restored and refunctionalized as an open, sharing, productive and restorative space that fosters the well-being of the environment it is located in and the living things it comes into contact with.
Postane aims to bring together those who produce for a fairer and more livable world, those who preserve and sustain their cultural heritage, and those who love to listen and tell innovative and creative stories. To this end, Postane has spatial infrastructures including a terrace garden where natural food is grown by collecting and using rain water, a solidarity-based kitchen and cafeteria, a fair trade unit that brings together consumers with local producers, social enterprises and cooperatives, as well as work and meeting spaces that encourage co-production, a  specialist library and a podcast and video studio for storytellers. Their Open Studio program allows activists with no financial resources to be able to produce podcast programs in their studio.
Postane received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and are using the award money for their Open Studio program, to produce 15-20 programs.
Visit their website here or follow them on Instagram here or Facebook here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.


Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Turkey


Cultures of Resistance Awardee —Turkey
Postane is a place that aims to host social, environmental and urban impact-oriented studies and joint cultural productions. The historical building, known as the British Post Office in Galata, was restored and refunctionalized as an open, sharing, productive and restorative space that fosters the well-being of the environment it is located in and the living things it comes into contact with.
Postane aims to bring together those who produce for a fairer and more livable world, those who preserve and sustain their cultural heritage, and those who love to listen and tell innovative and creative stories. To this end, Postane has spatial infrastructures including a terrace garden where natural food is grown by collecting and using rain water, a solidarity-based kitchen and cafeteria, a fair trade unit that brings together consumers with local producers, social enterprises and cooperatives, as well as work and meeting spaces that encourage co-production, a  specialist library and a podcast and video studio for storytellers. Their Open Studio program allows activists with no financial resources to be able to produce podcast programs in their studio.
Postane received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and are using the award money for their Open Studio program, to produce 15-20 programs.
Visit their website here or follow them on Instagram here or Facebook here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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