Aline Bispo

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Brazil
Aline Bispo was born in 1989 in São Paulo, Brazil. She is an artist known for her multidisciplinary approach, encompassing illustrations, paintings, and sculptures. Her work combines religious iconography, nature, and political symbolism, offering commentary on Brazil’s ethnic and social identity. Bispo’s art also addresses critical themes such as racial prejudice and religious intolerance.
In addition to her artistic endeavors, Bispo has been a curator at the Ibirapitanga Institute since 2020. The institute champions the causes of freedom and democratic practices. Her contributions to the arts have been recognized in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout Brazil.
Aline Bispo received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. She used the award to support her exhibition titled “A linha dá o ponto, a linha dá o caminho.”
Follow her on Instagram here to learn more about her work.
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Aline Bispo

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Brazil

Aline Bispo

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Brazil
Aline Bispo was born in 1989 in São Paulo, Brazil. She is an artist known for her multidisciplinary approach, encompassing illustrations, paintings, and sculptures. Her work combines religious iconography, nature, and political symbolism, offering commentary on Brazil’s ethnic and social identity. Bispo’s art also addresses critical themes such as racial prejudice and religious intolerance.
In addition to her artistic endeavors, Bispo has been a curator at the Ibirapitanga Institute since 2020. The institute champions the causes of freedom and democratic practices. Her contributions to the arts have been recognized in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout Brazil.
Aline Bispo received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. She used the award to support her exhibition titled “A linha dá o ponto, a linha dá o caminho.”
Follow her on Instagram here to learn more about her work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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