Lutanda Zemba Luzamba

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — DRC
Congolese painter Lutanda Zemba Luzamba interrogates and satirizes social and political power structures in Africa, at once appearing to mimic the colonial lifestyle of the post-colonial elites while simultaneously bringing it into question. Although born and raised in the DRC, Luzamba moved to South Africa to pursue his career as an artist and this experience of migration has allowed him an intimate and sympathetic view of migrant communities that has informed many of his works over the past 15 years. Luzamba has held numerous solo exhibitions in South Africa, has participated in group exhibitions in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Italy, France, England, and the USA, and his works are featured in collections both locally and internationally.
Luzamba received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and is using the award for his first solo show in London. 
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Lutanda Zemba Luzamba

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - DRC

Lutanda Zemba Luzamba

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — DRC
Congolese painter Lutanda Zemba Luzamba interrogates and satirizes social and political power structures in Africa, at once appearing to mimic the colonial lifestyle of the post-colonial elites while simultaneously bringing it into question. Although born and raised in the DRC, Luzamba moved to South Africa to pursue his career as an artist and this experience of migration has allowed him an intimate and sympathetic view of migrant communities that has informed many of his works over the past 15 years. Luzamba has held numerous solo exhibitions in South Africa, has participated in group exhibitions in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Italy, France, England, and the USA, and his works are featured in collections both locally and internationally.
Luzamba received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and is using the award for his first solo show in London. 
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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