Toomaj Salehi

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Iran
Toomaj Salehi is a popular hip-hop artist in Iran. For years, he has used his music to call for peace, celebrate universal human rights, and ask people to love one another. However, he is being unjustly punished because his music also challenges government policies, especially policies regulating the behavior of women and girls.  As a result, Toomaj was abducted and severely beaten by the regime. He remains imprisoned and potentially faces the death penalty.
Toomaj received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023 for his political bravery and dedication to his music.
Follow him on Instagram here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.

Toomaj Salehi

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Iran

Toomaj Salehi

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Iran
Toomaj Salehi is a popular hip-hop artist in Iran. For years, he has used his music to call for peace, celebrate universal human rights, and ask people to love one another. However, he is being unjustly punished because his music also challenges government policies, especially policies regulating the behavior of women and girls.  As a result, Toomaj was abducted and severely beaten by the regime. He remains imprisoned and potentially faces the death penalty.
Toomaj received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023 for his political bravery and dedication to his music.
Follow him on Instagram here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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