eL Seed

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — France/Tunisia
eL Seed is a French-Tunisian contemporary artist whose practice crosses the discipline of painting and sculpture. eL Seed uses a distinctive style of Arabic calligraphy to spread messages of peace and unity, as well as to underline the commonalities of human existence. His artwork aims to bring communities together and redress stereotypes.
Born in 1981 in Paris to Tunisian parents, he was disconnected from his Arabic roots, speaking only the Tunisian dialect of the language at home. He found that Arabic calligraphy was a way of building a link between his equally important French and Tunisian backgrounds and as he matured, eL Seed began to use that same calligraphy as a tool to build bridges all over the world.
eL Seed  received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to promote Tunisian craftwork, focusing on women who work with tapestries.
Visit his website here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.

eL Seed

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Tunisia

eL Seed

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — France/Tunisia
eL Seed is a French-Tunisian contemporary artist whose practice crosses the discipline of painting and sculpture. eL Seed uses a distinctive style of Arabic calligraphy to spread messages of peace and unity, as well as to underline the commonalities of human existence. His artwork aims to bring communities together and redress stereotypes.
Born in 1981 in Paris to Tunisian parents, he was disconnected from his Arabic roots, speaking only the Tunisian dialect of the language at home. He found that Arabic calligraphy was a way of building a link between his equally important French and Tunisian backgrounds and as he matured, eL Seed began to use that same calligraphy as a tool to build bridges all over the world.
eL Seed  received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to promote Tunisian craftwork, focusing on women who work with tapestries.
Visit his website here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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