Binhanquinhe Quimor

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Guinea-Bissau
Binhanquinhe Quimor, also known as Binhan, is a musician born on July 8, 1977, in Ntunguindam village, in Guinea-Bissau. Early on, Binhan displayed a passion for art, particularly music. He learned guitar from his pastor Agostinho Amena Sambe and refined his skills with friend Eliseu Forna Imbana. At 14, Binhan gained fame by performing at village events and rice harvest festivals. As his renown grew, he moved to Bissau, where he became a lead vocalist in Super Mama Djombo, a legendary band in Guinea-Bissau. He traveled globally with the band to promote their “Ar Puro” album. Known for his strong melodies, Binhan has also drawn attention for songs critical of politicians and the military, such as “Miskinho di un” and “Turpeça Dissabidu.”
Binhan received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. He is using the award towards his next album project.
Learn more about his work here.
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Binhanquinhe Quimor

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Guinea-Bissau

Binhanquinhe Quimor

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Guinea-Bissau
Binhanquinhe Quimor, also known as Binhan, is a musician born on July 8, 1977, in Ntunguindam village, in Guinea-Bissau. Early on, Binhan displayed a passion for art, particularly music. He learned guitar from his pastor Agostinho Amena Sambe and refined his skills with friend Eliseu Forna Imbana. At 14, Binhan gained fame by performing at village events and rice harvest festivals. As his renown grew, he moved to Bissau, where he became a lead vocalist in Super Mama Djombo, a legendary band in Guinea-Bissau. He traveled globally with the band to promote their “Ar Puro” album. Known for his strong melodies, Binhan has also drawn attention for songs critical of politicians and the military, such as “Miskinho di un” and “Turpeça Dissabidu.”
Binhan received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. He is using the award towards his next album project.
Learn more about his work here.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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