JUMP (Jeunesse Unie pour un Mouvement Positif)

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Burkina Faso
JUMP (Jeunesse Unie pour un Mouvement Positif) is a collective that promotes art and culture as means of social cohesion and integration in Burkina Faso. It brings together young professionals from different sectors, including artists, makers, designers, and writers. Its main objective is to link creativity and awareness of issues around education, the environment, sustainability of urban life, social equality, peace, and stability. 
JUMP received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and is using the award for its “Beyond One Step One Dream” project, which is a choreographic and audiovisual production. The project includes a series of residencies and creative laboratories for young artists with the goal of contributing to their professionalization in the fields of choreography, dramaturgy, audiovisual production, food and health, the environment, communication, and administration. 
Follow them on Facebook here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.

JUMP – Jeunesse Unie pour un Mouvement Positif

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Burkina Faso

JUMP (Jeunesse Unie pour un Mouvement Positif)

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Burkina Faso
JUMP (Jeunesse Unie pour un Mouvement Positif) is a collective that promotes art and culture as means of social cohesion and integration in Burkina Faso. It brings together young professionals from different sectors, including artists, makers, designers, and writers. Its main objective is to link creativity and awareness of issues around education, the environment, sustainability of urban life, social equality, peace, and stability. 
JUMP received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and is using the award for its “Beyond One Step One Dream” project, which is a choreographic and audiovisual production. The project includes a series of residencies and creative laboratories for young artists with the goal of contributing to their professionalization in the fields of choreography, dramaturgy, audiovisual production, food and health, the environment, communication, and administration. 
Follow them on Facebook here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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