Checkpoint 303

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Palestine
Using site recordings predominantly from Palestine and the Arab world, Checkpoint 303 constructs live soundscapes that weave cinematic audio with experimental sound processing and complex rhythms. Through its compositions, collected sounds, and noise, Checkpoint 303 spreads a message of peace and a call for respecting human rights. Contrasting with the mainstream media’s exclusive depiction of violence and suffering in the Middle East, Checkpoint 303’s sound collages report on the heroic hope that exists in the region, as well as the seemingly banal but ever so meaningful little things that embody a daily search for normality in a state of emergency. 
Checkpoint 303 received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to support its forthcoming EP, which celebrates the struggle of Black people and Palestinians, as well as the solidarity between the two movements, through electronic music, audio recycling, and collage.
Follow him on Facebook here.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.

Checkpoint 303

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Tunisia/Palestine

Checkpoint 303

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Palestine
Using site recordings predominantly from Palestine and the Arab world, Checkpoint 303 constructs live soundscapes that weave cinematic audio with experimental sound processing and complex rhythms. Through its compositions, collected sounds, and noise, Checkpoint 303 spreads a message of peace and a call for respecting human rights. Contrasting with the mainstream media’s exclusive depiction of violence and suffering in the Middle East, Checkpoint 303’s sound collages report on the heroic hope that exists in the region, as well as the seemingly banal but ever so meaningful little things that embody a daily search for normality in a state of emergency. 
Checkpoint 303 received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to support its forthcoming EP, which celebrates the struggle of Black people and Palestinians, as well as the solidarity between the two movements, through electronic music, audio recycling, and collage.
Follow him on Facebook here.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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