Baza Inclusive

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Poland
Baza Inclusive is a Warsaw-based voluntary collective that believes in building an open, inclusive space where migrants and refugees feel welcome. Baza operates a cafe and community center that serves as a multi-use space where they organize events for youth such as debates, workshops, skill training sessions, and dance classes. One of Baza’s main areas of focus is well-being, especially for migrants and refugees. For example, this past year, Baza provided Ukrainian youth with psycho-social support through workshops in psychology, drawing, theater, and dance, all free of charge. 
The cafe is staffed by an international team of refugees and migrants from around the world. Together, they created a menu that represents diverse flavors, featuring exclusively vegetarian, fair-trade, and organic food. 
Baza Inclusive received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023 to support their work with migrants and refugees. 
Follow Baza Inclusive on Instagram here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.

Baza Inclusive

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Poland

Baza Inclusive

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Poland
Baza Inclusive is a Warsaw-based voluntary collective that believes in building an open, inclusive space where migrants and refugees feel welcome. Baza operates a cafe and community center that serves as a multi-use space where they organize events for youth such as debates, workshops, skill training sessions, and dance classes. One of Baza’s main areas of focus is well-being, especially for migrants and refugees. For example, this past year, Baza provided Ukrainian youth with psycho-social support through workshops in psychology, drawing, theater, and dance, all free of charge. 
The cafe is staffed by an international team of refugees and migrants from around the world. Together, they created a menu that represents diverse flavors, featuring exclusively vegetarian, fair-trade, and organic food. 
Baza Inclusive received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023 to support their work with migrants and refugees. 
Follow Baza Inclusive on Instagram here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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