Mwene Vunongue

Cultures of Resistance Awardee – Angola
Mwene Vunongue is an Angolan teacher and civic activist. Mwene is dedicated to fighting for human rights in Mukanka — his neighborhood located in the city of Lubango. Despite the lack of basic social services, Mwene’s relentless advocacy has made electricity accessible for Mukanka residents. In addition, after publishing a book titled “Os Meus Tios e os Seus Antongoko,” Mwene used the proceeds to create a water well serving dozens of families in Mukanka.
Mwene received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. He used the award to fund a film projector to host film events in the community.
Follow him on Instagram here to learn more about his work.
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Mwene Vunongue

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Angola

Mwene Vunongue

Cultures of Resistance Awardee – Angola
Mwene Vunongue is an Angolan teacher and civic activist. Mwene is dedicated to fighting for human rights in Mukanka — his neighborhood located in the city of Lubango. Despite the lack of basic social services, Mwene’s relentless advocacy has made electricity accessible for Mukanka residents. In addition, after publishing a book titled “Os Meus Tios e os Seus Antongoko,” Mwene used the proceeds to create a water well serving dozens of families in Mukanka.
Mwene received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2023. He used the award to fund a film projector to host film events in the community.
Follow him on Instagram here to learn more about his work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardess.
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