Vlocke Negro

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Mexico
Vlocke Negro is a graphic artist and muralist based in Mexico. With a background in political science, his art is deeply rooted in political activism. His political engagement began by supporting the Zapatista Army of National Liberation during his studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Vlocke Negro’s art and activism has also focused on the Palestinian struggle. In one project, he collaborated with a friend to create a pro-Palestinian mural in the city of Oaxaca, which was later censored. Another significant project involved his contribution to the Unmute Gaza Project, where artists create posters using photos by Palestinian photojournalists as inspiration. Vlocke Negro’s contribution to the project was an artistic interpretation of a photograph taken by photographer Bela Khaled.
Vlocke Negro received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2024. He is using the award to support a poster campaign for the Unmute Gaza Project in Mexico City.
Follow Vlocke Negro on Instagram here to learn more about their work.
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Vlocke Negro

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Mexico

Vlocke Negro

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Mexico
Vlocke Negro is a graphic artist and muralist based in Mexico. With a background in political science, his art is deeply rooted in political activism. His political engagement began by supporting the Zapatista Army of National Liberation during his studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Vlocke Negro’s art and activism has also focused on the Palestinian struggle. In one project, he collaborated with a friend to create a pro-Palestinian mural in the city of Oaxaca, which was later censored. Another significant project involved his contribution to the Unmute Gaza Project, where artists create posters using photos by Palestinian photojournalists as inspiration. Vlocke Negro’s contribution to the project was an artistic interpretation of a photograph taken by photographer Bela Khaled.
Vlocke Negro received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2024. He is using the award to support a poster campaign for the Unmute Gaza Project in Mexico City.
Follow Vlocke Negro on Instagram here to learn more about their work.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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