Khaled Jarrar

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Palestine
With photographs, videos, installations, films, and performances that are focused on his native Palestine, multidisciplinary artist Khaled Jarrar explores the impact of modern-day power struggles on ordinary citizens. Over the last decade, Jarrar has used the subject of Palestine, particularly the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, as a starting point for larger investigations of militarized societies, including the gendered spaces of violence and the links between economic and state powers that fuel and profit from war or political conflict.
Jarrar received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to make a film called “Displaced in Heaven,” which follows a Syrian/Palestinian woman who immigrates from Nazareth in 1948 and ends up in the Yarmouk.
Read more about his work here
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Khaled Jarrar

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Palestine

Khaled Jarrar

Cultures of Resistance Awardee — Palestine
With photographs, videos, installations, films, and performances that are focused on his native Palestine, multidisciplinary artist Khaled Jarrar explores the impact of modern-day power struggles on ordinary citizens. Over the last decade, Jarrar has used the subject of Palestine, particularly the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, as a starting point for larger investigations of militarized societies, including the gendered spaces of violence and the links between economic and state powers that fuel and profit from war or political conflict.
Jarrar received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) and is using the award to make a film called “Displaced in Heaven,” which follows a Syrian/Palestinian woman who immigrates from Nazareth in 1948 and ends up in the Yarmouk.
Read more about his work here
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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