Mahnaz Yazdani

Cultures of Resistance Awards — Iran
Mahnaz Yazdani started her career as an animator and cartoonist in 2001 and has worked in animation since 2015. Yazdani’s animations are about social issues, human rights and environmental issues, and told in a humorous way. Yazdani directed her first short independent animation in 2013 named “Man, Idol, Cat”  and has directed six short animations and  one TV series since then.
Yazdani’s cartoons have won prizes such as first prize at the 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial and First Prize at the Iran Cartoon Festival 2018. Yazdani’s animations have won awards such as Best Animation at the 100 Film Festival 2014, and Best Animated Movie at Harat Women International Film Festival 2014.  
Yazdani received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and will be using the award to produce her next short animation.
Follow her on Instagram here or see more of her work on her website here.
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Mahnaz Yazdani

Cultures of Resistance Awardee - Iran

Mahnaz Yazdani

Cultures of Resistance Awards — Iran
Mahnaz Yazdani started her career as an animator and cartoonist in 2001 and has worked in animation since 2015. Yazdani’s animations are about social issues, human rights and environmental issues, and told in a humorous way. Yazdani directed her first short independent animation in 2013 named “Man, Idol, Cat”  and has directed six short animations and  one TV series since then.
Yazdani’s cartoons have won prizes such as first prize at the 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial and First Prize at the Iran Cartoon Festival 2018. Yazdani’s animations have won awards such as Best Animation at the 100 Film Festival 2014, and Best Animated Movie at Harat Women International Film Festival 2014.  
Yazdani received a Cultures of Resistance Award (CoR Award) in 2022 and will be using the award to produce her next short animation.
Follow her on Instagram here or see more of her work on her website here.
Click here to return to the full list of awardees.
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